Uluru sunrise
Uluru walk
Bus ride!
Mine stay
Distance: 749km
Total Distance:
Once more we were up early for sunrise. Once more I woke up extra early needing 4 litres of water and having a full bladder. Did you know tortoises can reabsorb water from their bladder? Sometimes I wish I had that. They can this use it as a form of water storage. In fact the Beagle, the ship Darwin was on, collected Galapogos tortoises not merely because they were tasty, but also because they could be used to store clean water. They were also easily stacked for storage.
We went out to another sunrise spot. Yesterday we'd been to the west of Uluru- the sun rising behind Uluru. Today we were to the east. Being on the sunward side meant we could watch the change in colour of Uluru from black through various shades of purple, blue, grey, orange, and red.
Uluru is actually a grey colour. The red colour comes from the red sand of the surrounding desert that has been blown on to the rock and stuck.
We then went for a wee walk down to Uluru. We saw more teaching caves, the most permanent water hole around the rock (which has been know to become dry), and markings said to be evidence of the Aboriginal religious stories.
This was our last visit to Uluru.
The rest of the day was spent on the bus driving south. We were doing over 800km, across the North Australia- South Australia border and on wards. We were heading for our underground hotel.
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