Thursday, 14 January 2016

Day 40: Ulva Island

Thursday 14th January 

Bird watching on Ulva Island

Distance: boat, 2km, walked, 10km

Total distance: 5133km

Today I took a boat out to Ulva Island, a bird paradise. I watched Wekas digging for insects by the path, Kakas chew into trees for grubs, and Stewart Island Robins beg for food wherever one stopped- actually I even watched 3 Robins attack an old lady who'd fed one a crumb of her sandwich. They got away with a good chunk of crust!

Between the forest, my camera, and the constantly moving birds, however, I eventually gave up trying to photograph all that I saw. Some came very close, but my photos were never going to be as good as others, so I just happily ambled about, pausing in one spot for a while, trying to see and hear all I could.

I purchased a very useful little self guiding booklet before I came across. There a some very good guided tours, but it's nice to go out and explore these places alone, when I could be quiet and still. Having said that their guide could show them things I missed.

Here's a few photos from the booklet, for better check Google Images
In order
Brown creeper- heard, not seen
Tomtit- seen
Stewart Island robin-they hunt in packs
Bellbird- heard 
Stewart Island weka- seen many, had to disappoint an Ozzie to tell him it wasn't a kiwi
Silvereye- sitting on power lines yesterday 
Yellowhead- not seen
Kaka- they live in the hostel garden
South Island saddleback- seen! Beautiful 
Grey warbler- seen
Oystercatcher- seen, been told to "piss off" by angry parents who have little fluffy grey chicks at the moment
New Zealand Parakeet- seen! Far up in the trees, a pair, beautiful 
Shining cuckoo & long-tailed cuckoo- not seen either
Fantail- seen. A chick learning to fly landed at my feet yesterday 
Tui- seen loads
Rifleman- not seen
Morepork- not seen here, but saw on North Island 
New Zealand wood pigeon- seen. Looks fat, juicy, and beautiful. I can understand why the Moari loved them.
Stewart Island brown kiwi- others did today, I'm still working on it


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